Elsterwit 2018

white wine

Onze score

7.5 /10
Een goudkleurige, off-dry wijn met een rijk aroma van tropisch fruit, karamel, toast en noten en vrij intense aroma’s van honing en gerijpt, gekarameliseerd tropisch fruit (ananas, abrikoos). Een fijne wijn om te combineren met paté, foie gras of een rijke salade met gegrilde nectarines, geitenkaas, walnoten en honing.
Svg Vector Icons :
€ 10 – 15
Domein Tussen Rug en Rijn
GoDutch.Wine | Domein Tussen Rug en Rijn Elsterwit

Detailed Tasting Notes

Wine tasting:3 mrt 2020
A clear, gold coloured wine with medium color intensity and clear tears on the glass
The wine has a clean nose, which is developing. The wine has a medium+ aroma intensity of tropical fruit, stone fruit, ripened peaches and clear tones of caramel, toast and nuts.
It is an off-dry wine with a medium level of alcohol and medium+ acidity. The wine is medium bodied with a medium flavor intensity. We taste a mixture of honey and tropical fruits (pineapple, apricot) that are very ripe, caramelized or flambéed. These tones of ripened tropical yellow fruit come with a light bitterness in the end. The finish is of medium length.
Quality Assessment
It is a good wine. It is ready to drink but it will further develop. The wine contains a lot of sweet fruit and has enough acidity for further ageing. A good combination with paté, foie gras or a rich salad with grilled nectarins, goat cheese, walnuts and honey.
Disclaimer: deze wijn is ter beschikking gesteld door Nederlandse Streekwijnen

Elsterwit 2018

Svg Vector Icons :
Domein Tussen Rug en Rijn
€ 10 – 15
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
Een goudkleurige, off-dry wijn met een rijk aroma van tropisch fruit, karamel, toast en noten en vrij intense aroma’s van honing en gerijpt, gekarameliseerd tropisch fruit (ananas, abrikoos). Een fijne wijn om te combineren met paté, foie gras of een rijke salade met gegrilde nectarines, geitenkaas, walnoten en honing.

Detailed Tasting Notes

Wine tasting: 3 mrt 2020
A clear, gold coloured wine with medium color intensity and clear tears on the glass
The wine has a clean nose, which is developing. The wine has a medium+ aroma intensity of tropical fruit, stone fruit, ripened peaches and clear tones of caramel, toast and nuts.
It is an off-dry wine with a medium level of alcohol and medium+ acidity. The wine is medium bodied with a medium flavor intensity. We taste a mixture of honey and tropical fruits (pineapple, apricot) that are very ripe, caramelized or flambéed. These tones of ripened tropical yellow fruit come with a light bitterness in the end. The finish is of medium length.
Quality Assessment
It is a good wine. It is ready to drink but it will further develop. The wine contains a lot of sweet fruit and has enough acidity for further ageing. A good combination with paté, foie gras or a rich salad with grilled nectarins, goat cheese, walnuts and honey.
Disclaimer: deze wijn is ter beschikking gesteld door Nederlandse Streekwijnen
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