Cuvee Barrique 2018

red wine

Onze score

8 /10
De Cuvee Barrique is een zachte en ronde wijn, zeer aangenaam om te drinken. De wijn is vrij aromatisch. We ruiken zwart fruit, rood fruit en kruiden. De geur is wat ingetogener dan de smaak. In de mond hebben we aroma’s van bosvruchtenjam, tabak, brioche, thee, vanille en kruiden. Het fruitgehalte van de wijn is wat bescheiden, terwijl de tonen van cederhout vrij overheersend zijn. De wijn heeft 12 maanden barrique-rijping gehad en heeft enige ontwikkelingstijd nodig om deze smaken goed te integreren. We raden aan om hem 1-2 jaar te bewaren of te decanteren voor het drinken.
Svg Vector Icons :
€ 15 – 20
Betuws Wijndomein
GoDutch.Wine | Betuws Wijndomein Linge Rood Cuvee Signature 2017

Detailed Tasting Notes

Wine tasting:27 okt 2020
A clear, purple colored wine with a deep color intensity. Some legs are visible on the glass.
The wine has a clean, developing nose with a medium+ aroma intensity of black fruits, red fruits and herbaceous characteristics. We smell aromas of forest fruit, blackcurrant, red berries, vanilla, violets and some tones of wed forest soil and moss.
A dry wine, with medium alcohol, medium+ acidity and medium tannins. The wine is medium+ bodied with a medium+ flavor intensity. We taste a broad palate of forest fruits and characteristics of cedarwood. Specified flavors of forest fruit jam, tabacco, brioche, tea, vanilla and herbs. The wine has a finish of medium+ length with flavors of fruit and cedarwood. It is a bit mouth drying in its finish.
Quality Assessment
A good to very good wine. A soft and round wine, very pleasant to drink. The smell is a bit more restrained than its taste. The flavor palate is more pronounced. The fruitiness of the wine is somewhat modest, while the tones of cedarwood are quite dominant. The wine needs some development time to properly integrate these flavors. You can drink it now, but it will improve by further ageing. We recommend to store it 1-2 years or decant it before drinking.
Disclaimer: deze wijn is ter beschikking gesteld door Nederlandse Streekwijnen

Cuvee Barrique 2018

Svg Vector Icons :
Betuws Wijndomein
€ 15 – 20
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
De Cuvee Barrique is een zachte en ronde wijn, zeer aangenaam om te drinken. De wijn is vrij aromatisch. We ruiken zwart fruit, rood fruit en kruiden. De geur is wat ingetogener dan de smaak. In de mond hebben we aroma’s van bosvruchtenjam, tabak, brioche, thee, vanille en kruiden. Het fruitgehalte van de wijn is wat bescheiden, terwijl de tonen van cederhout vrij overheersend zijn. De wijn heeft 12 maanden barrique-rijping gehad en heeft enige ontwikkelingstijd nodig om deze smaken goed te integreren. We raden aan om hem 1-2 jaar te bewaren of te decanteren voor het drinken.

Detailed Tasting Notes

Wine tasting: 27 okt 2020
A clear, purple colored wine with a deep color intensity. Some legs are visible on the glass.
The wine has a clean, developing nose with a medium+ aroma intensity of black fruits, red fruits and herbaceous characteristics. We smell aromas of forest fruit, blackcurrant, red berries, vanilla, violets and some tones of wed forest soil and moss.
A dry wine, with medium alcohol, medium+ acidity and medium tannins. The wine is medium+ bodied with a medium+ flavor intensity. We taste a broad palate of forest fruits and characteristics of cedarwood. Specified flavors of forest fruit jam, tabacco, brioche, tea, vanilla and herbs. The wine has a finish of medium+ length with flavors of fruit and cedarwood. It is a bit mouth drying in its finish.
Quality Assessment
A good to very good wine. A soft and round wine, very pleasant to drink. The smell is a bit more restrained than its taste. The flavor palate is more pronounced. The fruitiness of the wine is somewhat modest, while the tones of cedarwood are quite dominant. The wine needs some development time to properly integrate these flavors. You can drink it now, but it will improve by further ageing. We recommend to store it 1-2 years or decant it before drinking.
Disclaimer: deze wijn is ter beschikking gesteld door Nederlandse Streekwijnen
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