Hoeve Nekum Maastricht Pinot Noir 2017

red wine

Onze score

7.5 /10
De wijn heeft een enigszins rustiek karakter en doet een beetje denken aan Barbera d’Alba. We ruiken bosvruchten en rood fruit, bosgrond, paddenstoelen, dennenhars en wat hout en vulpeninkt. In de mond veel rood fruit, rode kersen, bessen, aardbeien en bramenjam, en ontwikkelende aroma’s van cederhout, dennenhars, leer en stal. Ons panel vond dit een goede wijn, nu al op dronk, maar we raden aan om deze tot de feestdagen van 2021 te laten staan, zodat de smaken beter kunnen integreren. Daarnaast is het aan te raden de wijn een uur van tevoren te openen omte ademen.
Svg Vector Icons :
€ 10 – 15
Hoeve Nekum
GoDutch! WIne| Hoeve Nekum| Pinot noir 2017

Detailed Tasting Notes

Wine tasting:1 jun 2021
A clear, ruby colored wine with a medium- color intensity. Some tears are visible on the glass.
The wine has a clean nose, it is developing with a medium + aroma intensity. The fragrance shows characteristics of primary fruit aromas and tertiary aromas from bottle aging. We smell forest fruits: blackberries, red fruit, black cherries and a raspberry. In addition, forest floor, mushrooms, pine resin, a little wood and fountain pen ink.
A dry wine, with medium (-) acidity, medium alcohol and tannins. The wine is medium bodied with a medium flavor intensity. We taste primary, secondary and tertiary flavor characteristics. Lots of red fruits, red cherries, berries, strawberries and blackberry jam. In addition, wood, pine resin, leather and stable. It has a medium level of tannins and a finish of medium- length.
Quality Assessment
The wine has a somewhat rural character and reminds us a bit of of Barbera d’Alba. Our panel thought this was a good wine, already drinkable, but we recommend that you leave it until the holidays, so that the flavors can integrate better. In addition, it is advisable to open the wine an hour before to breathe.
Disclaimer: deze wijn is ter beschikking gesteld door Nederlandse Streekwijnen

Hoeve Nekum Maastricht Pinot Noir 2017

Svg Vector Icons :
Hoeve Nekum
€ 10 – 15
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
De wijn heeft een enigszins rustiek karakter en doet een beetje denken aan Barbera d’Alba. We ruiken bosvruchten en rood fruit, bosgrond, paddenstoelen, dennenhars en wat hout en vulpeninkt. In de mond veel rood fruit, rode kersen, bessen, aardbeien en bramenjam, en ontwikkelende aroma’s van cederhout, dennenhars, leer en stal. Ons panel vond dit een goede wijn, nu al op dronk, maar we raden aan om deze tot de feestdagen van 2021 te laten staan, zodat de smaken beter kunnen integreren. Daarnaast is het aan te raden de wijn een uur van tevoren te openen omte ademen.

Detailed Tasting Notes

Wine tasting: 1 jun 2021
A clear, ruby colored wine with a medium- color intensity. Some tears are visible on the glass.
The wine has a clean nose, it is developing with a medium + aroma intensity. The fragrance shows characteristics of primary fruit aromas and tertiary aromas from bottle aging. We smell forest fruits: blackberries, red fruit, black cherries and a raspberry. In addition, forest floor, mushrooms, pine resin, a little wood and fountain pen ink.
A dry wine, with medium (-) acidity, medium alcohol and tannins. The wine is medium bodied with a medium flavor intensity. We taste primary, secondary and tertiary flavor characteristics. Lots of red fruits, red cherries, berries, strawberries and blackberry jam. In addition, wood, pine resin, leather and stable. It has a medium level of tannins and a finish of medium- length.
Quality Assessment
The wine has a somewhat rural character and reminds us a bit of of Barbera d’Alba. Our panel thought this was a good wine, already drinkable, but we recommend that you leave it until the holidays, so that the flavors can integrate better. In addition, it is advisable to open the wine an hour before to breathe.
Disclaimer: deze wijn is ter beschikking gesteld door Nederlandse Streekwijnen
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